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So You Have Questions about the Debtor Education Course in Bankruptcy

If you’re filing for bankruptcy, you should know about the two courses you are required to complete before and after filing. You must take a credit counseling course before your file bankruptcy and a debtor education course after you file bankruptcy. First and foremost, these courses are designed to teach you about managing your money and creating a solid financial plan for the future. Here at Skrupa Law Office, LLC, our bankruptcy attorneys have compiled a list of common questions and answers regarding the debtor education course, so you can navigate the course requirements with ease and know what to do after you’ve completed it.

Are there any cases in which I won’t have to take the credit counselling and debtor education courses?

Yes, there are a number of situations that would exempt you from the requirement of taking the course. You may be exempt from taking the course if:

  • the course is not available in your district;
  • you have a disability or incapacity that would make your completion of the course impossible;
  • the course is not offered in a language you can understand;
  • you are serving on active duty in a military zone.

If you have any questions about whether your situation qualifies for exemption, don’t hesitate to contact a local bankruptcy attorney today.

I’ve completed the course…now what do I do?

There are a few steps to take after completing the courses to ensure you receive credit. First, make sure that you receive a certificate of completion from the course provider. You have to then file this certificate, as well as Official Form 23, with the bankruptcy court. The required deadline for filing these documents varies depending on which type of bankruptcy you’re filing.

The credit counseling course certificate must be filed with the court within 14 days of your bankruptcy case being filed.

For Chapter 7 filings, the debtor education course certificate must be filed no later than 60 days after your meeting of creditors was first scheduled. For Chapter 13, you must file the debtor education course certificate no later than the date of your last plan payment is made.

Can I take the debtor education and credit counseling courses together?

No. Credit counseling must be completed within 180 days before filing for bankruptcy and the debtor education course must be taken after filing for bankruptcy. If you have questions as to why this stipulation exists, a bankruptcy attorney in Omaha can provide you answers.

Can my spouse and I take the debtor education course together?

Yes, married couples can take the course together, but again, there are certain guidelines that must be followed. For instance, the course provider must give personalized instruction to each person and two certificates of completion must be issued for both spouses to receive credit.

How do I get the certificate of completion from my course provider?

Generally the course provider will email the certificate of completion directly to you, or you can request that it be sent to your bankruptcy attorney.

When I register for the debtor education course, what information will I need to have ready?

Since you must show that you’ve already filed for bankruptcy before registering for the debtor education course, you’ll need to have your bankruptcy case number and judicial filing district on hand. With 94 federal judicial districts in the U.S. that handle bankruptcy cases, it’s essential that you file the proper one—this is usually based on where you live, but if you have questions about where you should file, you should contact a bankruptcy attorney today for advice.

Contact Skrupa Law Office, LLC Today!

Our bankruptcy attorneys at Skrupa Law Office, LLC in Omaha and Lincoln want you to have the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding your financial situation. Often bankruptcy can be an excellent tool for getting your finances back in order, but there are rules and guidelines that must be followed in order to complete the process and get you on track to a brighter financial future. If you need help navigating through the bankruptcy process, we can help. Contact Skrupa Law Office today—our Omaha office number is (402) 512-6094, and our Lincoln office can be reached at (402) 464-3311.

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