
Understanding the Financial Aftermath of the Flooding in Nebraska

The entire Midwest is facing one of the worst flooding events to date, submerging huge landmasses, farms, and ranches in Nebraska, Wisconsin, South Dakota, and nearby areas. Nebraska is among the worst hit areas, and sadly for the local farmers and ranchers, the financial losses are already in millions of dollars. How did it happen?

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What you don’t know about public service loan forgiveness

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, designed to provide financial aid to professionals working in the government sector or not-for-profit organizations, has found its place in the President’s fiscal year 2020 budget. The Trump administration has proposed eliminating the program in an effort to streamline the student-loan system. This is not the first time when the

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The Road To Financial Freedom

Few people get rich all at once. The chances of winning a lottery or receiving inheritance are very small.Here are 7 steps to becoming financially independent. With patience and hard work, you can follow these steps and find financial freedom for yourself.1) The Financially Dependent stage is when you depend on others. This is the transition stage from receiving financial aid

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Types of Investment

Do you have free cash and want to invest it without worrying about losing the money?  Unfortunately, this is where you get into the realm of risk and return. Getting high return sometimes requires risk. However, while prices of corporate stock and bonds can experience significant upsides and downsides, many government securities are risk free

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What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

To Rent or to Buy?

Buying a house is one of the biggest financial decisions a person can make in their life. Before making a decision that can affect your future, spend some time to think about whether buying a house is better than renting one. The best way to make the right decision is to consider all the factors that

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