
Stop a Foreclosure Action on Your Home:

In these difficult financial times, more and more people are losing their homes to foreclosure. If you are one of them, the help of an experienced lawyer can be invaluable.

You may not know it, but in most cases you can keep your house and car in bankruptcy. By filing bankruptcy you can automatically put a stop to collection calls, garnishments, pending court dates, foreclosure and repossessions — but you must act quickly. Call the Skrupa Law Office, LLC, at (402) 513-9208 (Omaha) or (402) 513-9357 (Lincoln).

In most cases, people filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy are granted a special court order called an “automatic stay.” The automatic stay directs your creditors to stop foreclosure activities immediately.

Filing for bankruptcy is often the best way to save your home from foreclosure if you are behind on your mortgage. Your attorney may also be able to negotiate with your banks and lenders for modification of or forbearance on your loan. He or she may also recommend other options to help you effectively manage your debt and avoid a mortgage default.

Your lawyer will help you understand which debt relief option is the best in your situation. At Skrupa Law Office, LLC, we have handled thousands of cases for thousands of clients. We know which strategies have proven success — so we can give you the right advice, helping you make the best possible decisions about avoiding foreclosure.

What if you don’t qualify for a discharge? Can you still be helped? Sure. In most cases you can be set up on an affordable long term payment plan, even if youre in default. Contact Skrupa Law Office if you need help doing this.

Garnishments and Student Loans:

Your student loan enters default status once it reaches 270 days past due. At this point it is assigned to a debt collector. When you get your statement you probably noticed a large increase in the total amount due. This is because collection fees of up to 25% can be added to the balance. Your wages can be garnished administratively. That means unlike a regular debt, they can garnish your wages without suing you. After the required notice they can go to your employer and start deducting automatically. Also they can intercept any tax refunds you may be entitled to.


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either location any time between 8AM-5PM Monday-Friday

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402-513-9208 (Omaha) 402-513-9357 (Lincoln)

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